Following my writing dreams (and why you should too!)

"You should write a book."

I heard this from a number of people, and never one to turn down a challenge, I started my journey to becoming a published author. Since 2014 I have published over 14 books, including novels with two publishers plus I have self-published novels. If someone had asked me a few years ago whether I saw myself as an author, I would have laughed ~ after all, I'm a process driven person, not someone who is creative. At least that's what I thought before I fell in love with the life of a romance author. And the good news is I've loved every minute the journey!

Why does it have to be so hard?

However, no matter how much I've loved indulging in a new passion, and seeing my books published, there is so much information I wish I'd had easy access to ~ knowledge that could have made my life so much more efficient and less stressful.

Over the years, I've gained experience, researched best practice, and utilised my corporate skills to improve my writing and publishing process. I've gathered information and passed this knowledge on to colleagues and friends. It's amazing how many people want to write a book, or take their writing career to the next level, or just plain simplify things.

"I wish you would share all this information and create a website."

At first when it was suggested that I create the Love. Writing. Life website, I was hesitant. I don't profess to be an expert on everything writing related but I do know what has worked for me and what information I wish I'd had access to. So this website and my new writing dream was born.

My aim is to share information in a way that is simple and useful, and to pass on hint and tips. Even if you know a lot of this stuff, sometimes it can help to get a refresher or a reminder. I'll be talking about everything from planning and motivation, to the writing process, and building your author brand. We'll cover tools and techniques, and social media and a myriad of other things.

So welcome. I'd love it if you'd subscribe to my newsletter and follow this blog. You'll get access to information and a number of free resources to help you on your writing journey.

Taking a chance and embarking on my writing journey has opened up my life in so many ways ~ new skills, new friends, and new successes to celebrate. It's not always smooth sailing but it has definitely been worth it. I look forward to sharing this new journey with you as you fulfill your writing dreams.

Happy writing,

Nicki xx

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