The first step to becoming a successful author

In my last post, I spoke about setting up for success (click here to read that post) but first we need to define what success means. According to the Oxford Dictionary, success is the accomplishment of an aim or purpose. But what does this mean for a writer? What exactly is a successful author?

For an author, success could simply be getting that story out of your head and onto a piece of paper (or your computer). For others it could mean signing a contract and getting published by a respected publisher, or even self-publishing. For othersย success isย about the fame or winning awards, or getting fabulous reviews. For some authors, writing that first novel is simply to prove something to themselves. Some people need external validation, others not so much. Maybe you want to make a living and earn a lot of money, or cover some bills, orย just some pocket money to pay for a few treats here and there. I have friends who wanted the joy of holding their own story in paperback and being able to smell those pages and admire the cover while it sat on the bookshelf.

Everyone's definition of success is different.ย  What is it that you're aiming for with your writing?

Follow Up:

Spend some time thinking about what your goal is. If you have a goal, you'll increase your chances of success because you'll have something to strive for.

Once you know what your goal is, it's easier to set yourself up for success. You'll be able to identify the things you need to enable andย support your desired outcome. But equally as critical is simply getting started. You've got to start somewhere as there's no chance of finishing anything if you don't start. Plus taking a chance and reaching out for your goal will mean you're not left with regrets.

So we'll get started with some goal setting in an upcoming post. In the meantime, you might like to check out these additional resources.

Additional resources:

Here are a couple of links where some authors talk about success.

  • Click here to read an article aboutย Nora Roberts (the best selling romance author in the world)
  • Click here to read this article about an interview with Jamie McGuire who achieved fabulous success in contemporary romance starting with her first self-published novel, Beautiful Disaster.

I'll leave you with a quote.

Success is the result of perfection, hard work, learning from failure, loyalty, and persistence.
~ Colin Powell
Happy writing,
Nicki xx
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